
For over 50 years pioneered in research, teaching and consulting on international terrorism, crisis management, unconventional warfare and political violence.

Positions Held

2020  – Present

Senior Fellow of the Alfred P. Murrah Center Homeland Security Law and Policy, The Oklahoma City University School of Law

2004- Present

Presidential Professor Emeritus, University of Oklahoma

April, 2016

Conduct class on terrorism at the University of Oklahoma

2013 – Present

Lecture on international politics on cruises for Holland American. Continued consulting


Distinguished   Fellow, Office of Global Perspectives, The University of Central Florida


Visiting Professor, College of Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State   University


Lawrence J. Chastang Distinguished Professor Terrorism Studies, The University of Central Florida. Senior Fellow, Office of Global Perspectives.


Center for the Study of Force and Diplomacy. Department of History, Temple University (CENFAD)

Summer 2004

Adjunct Professor, Program on Terrorism and Security Studies ( PTSS), George C. Marshall European Security Studies Center, Garmisch, Germany First iteration.

Summer 2002

Co-Core Director

Fall 2000

Faculty Semester at Sea Program Institute for Shipboard Education


Samuel Roberts Noble Presidential Professor. Previously Associate Professor and Assistant Professor. Department of Political Science The University of Oklahoma


Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral   Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Oklahoma


Senior Fellow: Joint Special Operations University (JSOU), Strategic Studies Department


Senior Fellow, Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism  (MIPT)


Internationalization Advisory Board, Global Perspective, University of Central Florida


First Visiting Fellow Memorial Institute for the Prevention of    Terrorism (MIPT)


Senior Research Fellow, Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education (CADRE), Air University


Senior Associate (Headed Counterterrorism Practice) Booz, Allen, and Hamilton


Fulbright Professor Tribhuvan University (Summer, 1966 Instructor. Uppsala College)


Instructor, Drew University


Substitute Teacher (Social Studies) New York City Public Schools


B.A., Washington Square College of New York University, M.A. and Ph.D., Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York University. (Founder’s Day Award.)

Books Published

  • Red Teams and Counterterrorism Training, Stephen Sloan and Robert J. Bunker, Norman, Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma Press, 2011.
  •  Historical Dictionary of Terrorism, Sean Kendall Anderson with Stephen Sloan, Third Edition, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 2009.
  • Terrorism: The Present Threat in Context. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2006.
  • Terrorism: Assassins to Zealots, co-author Sean Kendall Anderson, Paperback Edition, of Historical Dictionary of Terrorism, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 2003.
  • Historical Dictionary of Terrorism, co-author Sean Kendall Anderson. Second Revised and Expanded Edition, Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, 2002. Also published by Vision Books, New Delhi, with a special section: “Terrorism in South Asia” by Bhashyam Kasturi.
  • Historical Dictionary of Terrorism, co-author Sean Kendall Anderson. Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, 1995.
  • Beating International Terrorism: An Action Strategy for Preemption and Punishment, with a new Prologue. Maxwell Air Force Base: Air University, 2000.
  • Beating International Terrorism: An Action Strategy for Preemption and Punishment. Maxwell Air Force Base: Air University, 1986.
  • Corporate Aviation Security: The Next Frontier in Aerospace Operations, co-author Harry Pizer. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1993.
  • Low Intensity Conflict: Old Threats in a New World, co-edited with Edwin G. Corr. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1993.
  • The Pocket Guide to Safe Travel. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1986. Published simultaneously in Canada by Beaverbooks, Ltd.
  • Simulating Terrorism. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1981.
  • Responding to the Terrorist Threat: Security and Crisis Management, co-edited with Richard H. Shultz, Jr. Elmsford, New York: Pergamon Press, 1980.
  • A Study in Political Violence: The Indonesian Experience. Studies in Political Change Series. Chicago, Illinois: Rand McNally, 1971.

Book Contributions & Monographs

  • An Uncharted Path to Terrorism Studies, World Views for the 21st Century, A Monograph Series, The University of Central Florida Global Perspectives Office and the Department of Political Science, Vol. 12, No. 2, Spring, 2014
  • “Meeting the Terrorist Threat: The Localization of Counterterrorism Intelligence” Studies on Terrorism: Examining  Political  Violence, Counterterrorism and Internal War,”   Austin K. Tuck and Dilip K. Das (eds), CRC Press, 2013.
  • Preface for Robert J. Bunker and Christopher Flaherty, Body Cavity Bombers: The New Martyrs,  Bloomington, A Terrorism Research Center  Book, 2013
  •  Preface  for David Cid, Understanding Counterterrorism: A Guide for Law Enforcement, Policy Makers and the Media, 2012.
  • The Challenge of Non-Territorial and Virtual Conflict: Rethinking Counterinsurgency and Counterterrorism., Joint Special Operations University Report, 2011
  •  Terrorism Education Since 9/11. Ted W. Reynolds with Stephen Sloan, Vol. 5 in Matthew J. Morgan, Editor, The Impact of 9/11: The Day that Changed Everything, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009.
  • The Evolution of Terrorism as a Global Test of Wills: A Personal Assessment and Perspective. Senior Fellow Report, Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, 2008.
  • “Educating the Next Generation of Counterterrorism Professionals, “James J. Forest, Editor, Lessons From the Fight Against Terrorism,” Countering Terrorism in the 21st Century, Vol. 3, Praeger Security International, 2007.
  • “A Global Assessment of Terrorism: Perspectives From Current and Future Leaders on Policy, Doctrine and Operational Implications,” co-edited with John Bersia, Orlando. Florida, the Terrorism Studies Program, Global Perspective Office, the University of Central Florida and the Global Connections Office, September 11, 2006.
  • “Redefining Uncertainty in the International Environment,” NATO Advanced Research Workshop Publication, Remaking National Security: Radical Approaches to Rethinking National and International Security in the Post-Westphalian Environment, 2007
  • “National versus Corporate Security,” Craig Stapley, Suzette Grillot and Stephen Sloan, The Handbook of Security, Martin Gill, Editor, Perpetuity Press, 2006
  • “The New Threat Environment: Continuity and Change in Counter-Terrorism Intelligence, Peter Katona, John Sullivan and Michael Intrillgstor, Editors, Countering Terrorism and WMD: Creating a Global Terrorism Netwar, Routledge, 2006. 
  • Preface, “Responding to the Threat,” Robert J. Bunker, Editor, Networks, Terrorism and Global Insurgency, Routledge, 2005.
  • Terrorism and the Need to Place the Threat in Context, Quintin Michel, Editor, Terrorisme: Regards croises (Terrorism: Cross Analysis), Non-Proliferations Series, Vol. 4,  Peter Lang Publishers, 2005.
  • “Oklahoma City Bombing,” in “Dissent and Protest” entry, David J. Wisehart (ed.), The Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, University of Nebraska, 2004.
  • Preface for John C.Bersia, World War 4: Confronting Terrorism. Orlando: Global Connections Foundation, 2003.
  • Wrote Introduction and was subject matter and expert editor for Donald Snow, September 11, 2001: The New Face of War? New York, New York: Longman Publishers, 2000.
  • “The Changing Nature of Terrorism,” James M. Smith and William C. Thomas, Editors, The Terrorism Threat and U.S. Government Response: Operational and Organizational Factors, United States Air Force Institute for National Security Studies, March 2001.
  • “The Changing Face of Insurgency in the Post-Cold War Era,” Anthony James Joes
  • Editor, Saving Democracies: U.S. Intervention in Threatened Democratic States, Greenwood Publishers, 1999.
  • “Terrorism and Asymmetry,” Colonel Lloyd J. Matthews, USA Retired, Challenging the United States Symmetrically and Asymmetrically: Can America be Defeated, Barracks, Pennsylvania: U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, 1998.
  • “Patterns of State-Sponsored Terrorism: A Comparative Study of the 1980s and Changes in the 1990s.” for FOA Research Establishment’s Project for the Swedish Ministry of Defense, co-authored with Sean K. Anderson.
  • “Terrorism: How Vulnerable is the United States?” Stephen C. Pelletiere, Editor, Terrorism: National Security and the Home Front, U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, 1995.
  • “State-Organized Terrorism: The Privatization of Public Violence,” Henry H. Han, Editor, Terrorism and Political Violence: Limits and Possibilities of Legal Control, Oceana, 1993.
  • “Simulating Terrorism: An Analysis of Findings Related to Tactical, Behavioral and Administrative Responses of Participating Police and Military Forces,” Richard Schultz and Stephen Sloan, Editors, Responding to the Terrorist Threat: Security and Crisis Management, New York: Pergamon Press, 1980.
  • “International Terrorism: Academic Quest, Operational Art and Policy Implications,” Alan D. Buckley, Editor, Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 2, Nos. 1-2, 1979.
  • “The Role of the Military in the New States: Perception Versus Function,” Harold Z.Schriffin, Editor, Military and State in Modern Asia, The Truman Institute, Jerusalem: Jerusalem Academic Press, 1976.
  • “Countering Terrorism in the Late 1980’s to the 1990’s: Future Threats and Opportunities for the United States,” for CADRE  Papers, Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, August 1987.
  • “Terrorism Preparedness on the State and Local Level: Past Trends, Present Realities and Future Requirements”,for The Clandestine Tactics and Technology Series, Vol. XII: Issue 9, Bureau of Operations and Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland: 1987. (monograph)
  • “Toward a Counter Terrorism Doctrine, Capability, and Policy,” Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education, May 1985. (Classified.)
  • Michael T. McEwen and Stephen Sloan, “Terrorism Preparedness on the State and Local Level: An Oklahoma Perspective,” for The Clandestine Tactics and Technology Series, Bureau of Operations and Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland: The International Association of Chiefs of Police, 1981. (monograph)
  • “The Anatomy of Non-Territorial Terrorism: An Analytical Essay,” for The Clandestine Tactics and Technology Series, Bureau of Operations and Research, Gaithersburg, Maryland: The International Association of Chiefs of Police, 1978. (monograph)


  • OP ED, “OU Professor: Loss of Terrorism Prevention Institute Regrettable,”  Daily Oklahoman, August 13, 2014
  • “Aviation Security: Past History, Future Challenges,” Airchive.Com, September 11, 2013.
  • Stephen Sloan and Sebastian L.v.Gorka, “Contextualizing Counterinsurgency, The Journal of International Security Affairs, Spring Issue, 2009.
  • “Staying Power: Insurgents’ vs. America’s, Orlando Sentinel, February 5, 2007.
  • “New Mind –Set: Expect the Unexpected. Meeting the Enduring Threat of Terrorism,” Orlando Sentinel, September 10, 2006.
  • “Need to Know vs. Need to Nab Terrorists,” Orlando Sentinel, August 20, 2006.
  • “The Lebanonization of Europe Next?” Orlando Sentinel, July 31, 2006.
  • “Terrorist Will Change – Will We?” Orlando Sentinel, May 21, 2006
  • “Freedom vs. Security: The Problem of Reconciliation,” Orlando Sentinel, January 2, 2006.
  • “Weathering Disasters: Take Stock of Political and Social Behavior,” The Daytona Beach News-Journal, October 9, 2005.
  • “WMD: Now Weather of Mass Destruction,” Orlando Sentinel, September 12, 2005.
  • “A Hidden, Organized, Deadly Enemy,” Orlando Sentinel, July 11, 2005.
  • “Homeland Security: Ten Years After the Oklahoma City Bombing,” Orlando Sentinel, April 19, 2005.
  • “Setting Foreign Policy in a Chaotic Environment,” The Daytona Beach News-Journal, December 19. 2004.
  • “New Generation Trains to Combat Terror,” Orlando Sentinel, September 25, 2004
  • “Almost Present at the Creation: A Personal Perspective of a Continuing Journey,” The Journal of Conflict Studies, Summer, 2004
  • “Forward: Responding to the Threat,” Special Issue of Low Intensity Conflict and Law Enforcement, “Networks, Terrorism and Global Insurgency,” Winter, 2004.
  • “New Generation Trains to Combat Terrorism,” Orlando Sentinel, September 25, 2004.
  • “Meeting the Terrorist Threat: The Localization of Counter Terrorism Intelligence,” Police Practice and Research, Vol. 3, No. 4, December 2002.
  • “The Case for Homeland Security,” The World and I, October 2, 2002
  • “It Is What We Don’t Know That Magnifies a Threat or Act of Terrorism,” Commemorative Issue, Orlando Sentinel, September 11, 2002.
  • Introduction to section entitled “Organizing for National Security: The Challenge of Bureaucratic Innovation in the War on Terrorism,” Public Administration Review, September 2002. (Editor of the section)
  • “An Unholy Alliance: The Internationalization of Domestic Terrorism,” Intelligence Report, Issue 85, Winter 1997. Published by Klan Watch: A Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
  • “Broad Perspective Needed to Survive Terrorist Acts,” Oklahoma Gazette, April 27, 1995.
  • Stephen Sloan and Douglas W. Nelms, “Aviation Security Threats 2000 and Beyond: A Strategic Assessment,” Aviation Security International: The Journal of Airport and Airline Security, (Two installments), Issue 8, January 1995, Issue 9, October, 1995. (Reprinted as “Cover Story: Aviation Security Threats and Beyond,” Southeast Asia Fire and Security, March 1996.)
  • “Danger on the Runway,” Security Management, Vol 37. No. 10, October, 1993.
  • “U.S. Anti-Terrorism Policies: Lessons to Be Learned to Meet an Enduring and Changing Threat,” Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 5. No. 1, Spring, 1993.
  • “Developing a Proactive Approach to Crisis Management: Command Post Exercises and the Crucial Role of the Intelligence Function,” Security Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1. January 1991. (Reprinted in Malaysian Security Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, April-June 1993.)
  • “Technology and Terrorism: Privatizing Public Violence,” IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 2, Summer, 1991.
  • “U.S. Strategy for LIC: An Enduring Legacy or a Passing Fad?” Military Review, Vol. LXX, No 1, January 1990.
  • “The Lessons of Irangate: A Meaningful Approach to a Real Threat — Meeting the Continuing Challenge of Terrorism,” Quarterly Journal of Ideology, Special Issue: “Terrorism: War by Another Name?” Vol. 11, No. 3, 1987.
  • “TWA Flight 847: Learning Hard Lessons,” Proceedings: U.S. Naval Institute, Vol. 112, No. 2, February 1986.
  • “In Search of a Counter Terrorism Doctrine,” Military Review, Vol. 66, No. 1, January 1986.
  • “Security is a Family Affair,” Sooner Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 2, Winter, 1984. (Reprinted under the title of “When Security is a Family Affair,” in Security Management, Vol. 29, No. 5, May 1985. Reprinted under the title “A New Perspective on Terrorism: Security is a Family Affair,” Intercom, Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center, Federal Aviation Administration, April 26, 1988.)
  • “Don’t Play Their Game,” Law Enforcement Communications, Vol. 10, No. 2 December 1982.
  • “Teaching a Course in International Terrorism,” News for Teachers of Political Science, The American Political Science Association, No. 2, Fall 1982.
  • “International Terrorism: Conceptual Problems and Implications: The Emergence of a Second Generation of Modern Terrorism,” Journal of Thought, Vol. 17, No. 2, Summer 1982.
  • “Terror at 30,000 Feet: A Simulation of Reality,” part of a feature in the section on safety in Passenger and In-flight Services, Vol. 13, No. 1, January/February, 1979.
  • “Non-Territorial Terrorism: An Empirical Approach to Policy Formation,” Stephen Sloan and Richard Kearney, Conflict: An International Journal for Conflict and Policy Studies, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-2, 1978
  • “Learning About Terrorism: Analysis, Simulation and Future Directions,” Stephen Sloan, Richard Kearney, and Charles Wise, Terrorism: An International Journal, Vol. 1, Nos. 3-4, 1978.
  • “Stimulating Terrorism: From Operational Techniques to Questions of Policy,” International Studies Notes, Vol. 5, Issue 4, Winter, 1978.
  • “Countering Terrorism: The U.S. and Israeli Approach,” Charles Wise and Stephen Sloan, Middle East Review, Vol. IX, No. 3, Spring, 1977.
  • “International Terrorism,” Stephen Sloan and Charles Wise, ADL Bulletin, Vol. 34, No. 9, November, 1977. Reprinted under the title of “The Nature of the P.L.O.,” in Jewish Digest, Vol. XXII, and No. 6, May 1978.
  • “An Analysis of a Simulated Terrorist Incident,” Stephen Sloan and Richard Kearney, The Police Chief, Vol. XLIV, No. 6, June, 1977.
  • “International Terrorism,” Stephen Sloan and Richard Kearney, four-part series for the Daily Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, November, 1976.
  • “How Terrorists Can Be Stopped,” Stephen Sloan and Richard Kearney internationally syndicated by The New York Times Company, November 1976. Papers publishing the article include The San Francisco Chronicle, El Sol de Mexico, Haaretz, and Dagens Nyheter.
  • “International Terrorism 1976,” Stephen Sloan and Richard Kearney, The International Institute for Strategic Studies, Background material on assignment for the Institute.
  • “Special Report,” a six-part series for The Daily Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, November, 1976.
  • “Israel Today,” an eight-part series for The Daily Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, October, 1974.

Review Articles

  • Review of Rohan Gunaratna and Raven McLaughlin, “Al Qaeda, Oxford Bibliographies, April, 2017.
  • “Different Disciplinary Perspectives to Understanding and Countering Crucial Aspects of Terrorism. The Quest for an Integrated Approach Remains an Ideal. International Studies Review, December 2010.
  • “Understanding Terrorism Since the 60’s – An Evaluation of Academic and Operational Perspectives: What Have We Learned and Where Are We Going?” Special Warfare, March, 1992, Vol. 5, No. 1.

Selective Book Reviews

  • Continuing reviews of books and manuscripts with regular assignments for The Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, Security Management.. ASIS International and other journals.
  • Ross Johnson. Antiterrorism and Threat Response: Planning and Implementation, Security Management, September 2013.
  • Arthur J. Deikman, Them and Us: Cult Thinking and the Terrorist Threat, Security Management, October, 2004.
  • Wayman C. Mullins, A Sourcebook on Domestic and International Terrorism: An Analysis of Issues, Organizations, Tactics and Responses, Second Edition, Perspective
  • Cindy C. Combs, Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century, Security Management, November 1997.
  • Ruth Lapidoth. Autonomy: Flexible Solutions to Ethnic Conflict, Perspective
  • Anthony H. Cordesman. Iran and Iraq: The Threat From the Northern Gulf, Perspective
  • William D. Copland and Michael K. O’Leary, editors, The Handbook of Country and Risk Analysis, Security Management, December, 1995.
  • Brent L. Smith. Terrorism in America: Pipe Bombs and Pipe Dreams, Security Management, February 1995.
  • Douglas S. Derrer. We Are All Targets: A Handbook of Terrorism Avoidance and Hostage Survival, Airpower Journal, Fall, 1993.
  • Anthony James Joes. Modern Guerrilla Insurgency, Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence, Spring, 1993.
  • Michael McClintock. Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerrilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency Counter terrorism 1940-1990, Airpower Journal.
  • R. Timothy Bushell, Vladimier Shalpentokh, Christoper Vanderpool and Jeyaratnam eds. State Organized Terrorism: The Case of Violent Internal Repression, Conflict Quarterly, Fall, 1992.
  • Chu-Yuan Cheng. Behind the Tiananmen Massacre, Perspective.
  • Henry S. Bienen. Armed Forces, Conflict, and Change in Africa. Perspective, Winter, 1990.
  • Ernest Evan, War Without Splendor. The U.S. Military and Low Intensity Conflict, The Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence.
  • Richard H. Shultz, Jr. The Soviet Union and Revolutionary Warfare: Principles, Practices and Regional Comparisons, Conflict Quarterly, Winter, 1989.
  • Gayle Rivers, The War Against the Terrorists: How to Win It, Air University Review.
  • Neil C. Livingstone and Terrell E. Arnold eds. Fighting the War Against Terrorism, Armed Forces and Society, Winter, 1987.
  • Uri’ Ra’anan and others, eds. Hydra of Carnage: International Linkages on Terrorism – The Witnesses Speak, Air University Review.
  • Christopher Clapham and George Philips, eds. The Political Dilemmas of Military Regimes, Perspective.
  • Robertz D. Goren, The Soviet Union and Terrorism, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 79, No. 3, September, 1985.
  • Richard H. Shultz and Roy Godson, DEZINFORMATSIA Active Measures, Transaction/SOCIETY.
  • Grant Wardlaw, Political Terrorism: Theory, Tactics and Countermeasures, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 78, No. 2, June 1984.
  • Noel O’Sullivan, ed., Revolutionary Theory and Political Reality, Perspective Vol. 13, No. 3, April 1984.
  • Patrick J. Montana and George S. Roukis, eds. Managing Terrorism: Strategies for Corporate Executives, Conflict Quarterly, Vol. III, No. 4, Summer, 1983.
  • Tunde Adeniran and Yonah Alexander, International Violence, Perspective, Vol. 12, No. 5, July-August, 1983.
  • David C. Rapoport and Yonah Alexander, eds. The Morality of Terrorism: Religious and Secular Justifications, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 77, No. 2, June, 1983.
  • Institute for the Study of Conflict, Annual of Power and Conflict, Perspective, Vol. 11, No. 2, March 1982.
  • Aryeh Y. Yodfat and Yuval Arnon-Ohanna, PLO: Strategy and Tactics, American Political Science Review, Vol. 76, No. 2, June 1982.
  • William Regis Farrell, The U.S. Government Response to Terrorism: In Search of an Effective Strategy, Naval War College Review, Vol. 35, No.6, November-December, 1982.
  • Donald L. Horowitz, Coup Theories and Officers’ Motives: Sri Lanka, Comparative Perspective, American Political Science Review, Vol. 75, No. 3, September, 1981.
  • Farhad Kazemi, Poverty and Revolution in Iran: The Migrant Poor, Urban Marginality and Politics, Perspective, Vol. 10, No. 8, October 1981.
  • Grace Stuart Ibingira, African Upheavals Since Independence, Perspective, Vol. 9, No. 7, September 1980.
  • Theophilus Olatunde Odetola, Military Politics in Nigeria: Economic Development and Political Stability, Perspective, Vol. 8, No. 6, July-August, 1979.
  • Harold R. Crouch, The Army and Politics in Indonesia, American Political Science Review, Vol. 73, September, 1979.
  • Harry R. Strack, Sanctions: The Case of Rhodesia, Perspective, 1978.
  • Ted Robert Gurr, Rogues, Rebels and Reformers, A Political History of Urban Crime and Conflict, Perspective, Vol. 6, No. 5, June 1977.
  • Rajeshwar Dayal, Mission for Hammarskjöld: The Congo Crisis, Africana Journal.
  • Ukandig Damachi, Leadership Ideology in Africa: Studies in Military Style, Perspective, Vol. 5, July-August, 1976.
  • Colin Legum, Ethiopia: The Fall of Haile Selassie’s Empire, Perspective, Vol. 32, August 1973.
  • J.D. Legge, Sukarno: A Political Biography, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 32, August 1973.
  • Howard Palfrey Jones, Indonesia: The Possible Dream, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 67, June 1973.
  • Stephen A. Douglas, Political Socialization and Student Activism in Indonesia, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 6,December 1970.
  • Herbert Feith and Lance Castles, eds. Indonesian Political Thinking, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 30, November, 1970.

Editorial/Advisory Board

  • Member: Advisory Board of Counter Terrorist Trends and Analysis (CTTA), Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR), Nanyang University.
  •  Member Editorial Advisory Board, Joint Special Operations University.
  • Advisor, Terrorism Research Center, Washington, D.C.
  • Board of the University of Wisconsin Press Series “Terrorism in the 21st Century; Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
  • Advisory Panel, “Foreign Affinity Terrorism in the 21st Century: How to Combat the International Network in the United States.
  • Editorial Board, The Journal of Scholarly and Scientific Perspectives, Langston University
  • Member: External Internationalization Advisory Committee, Global Perspective Committee, University of Central Florida.
  • Contributing Editor, Section on Terrorism and National Security for Special Issue on Terrorism, Public Administration Review, September, 2002.
  • Member: Editorial Advisory Board, The Journal of Conflict Quarterly, formerly Conflict Quarterly, Centre for the Study of Conflict, The University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada.
  • Member: International Advisory Board, Terrorism: An International Resource File, U.M.I. Research Collector, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • Member: Advisory Board, Annual Editions: Violence and Terrorism, The Duskin Publishing Group, Guilford, Connecticut.
  • Contributor: Aviation Security International: The Journal of Airport and Airline Security, J.F. Publications, London, United Kingdom.
  • Special Consulting Editor with Michael T. McEwen (Yonah Alexander, Editor-in-Chief). “Terrorism and the Media,” A Special Issue, Terrorism: An International Journal, Vol. 2, Nos. 1 and 2 (1979).
  • Special Consulting Editor (Alan D. Buckley, Editor-in-Chief), “International Terrorism,” Journal of International Affairs, School of International Affairs, Columbia University, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Spring/Summer, 1978). Reprinted as Alan D. Buckley and Daniel D. Olson, editors, International Terrorism: Current Research and Future Directions (Wayne, NJ: Aver Publishing Group, 1980).
  • Advisor for The Terrorism Research Center, Washington, D.C.
  • Consultant to Stephen Jones Esq. in the case of United States versus Timothy James McViegh
  • Member: Counter-Terrorism Advisory Committee, Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training, State of Oklahoma, 1996.
  • Advisor for Terrorism Baseline 1994 study, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, 1993. Interim Version, Mark J. Centron, Terror 2000: The Future Face of Terrorism, February 22, 1995.
  • Advising significant US governmental organizations and officials involved in combating threats and acts of terrorism (classified).


  • Conducted simulation in conjunction with crisis management class for Public Works Department of Tulsa, Emergency Operations Center, 29 March, 2003.
  • Conducted a crisis management simulation in conjunction with crisis management class for senior administrators, the University of Oklahoma, 13 November 2001.
  • Conducted a crisis management simulation in conjunction with crisis management class for Matthey Dearman, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma, November 20, 1999.
  • Participant in Information Operations for the III Corps Warfighter Exercise, Fort Hood Texas, 13-18 December 1998.
  • Observer at Disaster Preparedness simulation at Will Rogers World Airport. Participating departments and organizations included the Oklahoma Airport Authority, Federal Aviation Administration, Oklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management, Emergency Medical Services, Oklahoma Police and Fire Departments, Airport Fire Department, Oklahoma City, May 22, 1996.
  • Conducted a simulation (command post exercise) for members of Crisis Management Seminar for Senior-Level Diplomats, Indonesian Department of Foreign Affairs, Center for Education and Training, Jakarta, March 1, 1991.
  • Conducted a simulation (command post exercise for members of Crisis Management Seminar for Junior-Level Diplomats, Indonesian Department of Foreign Affairs, Center for Training and Education, Jakarta, March 8, 1991.
  • Conducted a simulation (command post exercise) for members of Crisis Management Seminar for Mid-Level Diplomats, Indonesian Department of Foreign Affairs, Center for Education and Training, Jakarta, July 20, 1989.
  • Conducted a simulation (command post exercise) for members of Crisis Management Seminar for Senior-Level Diplomats, Indonesian Department of Foreign Affairs, Center for Education and Training, Jakarta, July 27, 1989.
  • Conducted a simulation (command post exercise) for participants at conference entitled International Terrorism – Problems of Response, arranged by The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (SIIA), Stockholm, March 8, 1989.
  • Conducted a simulation in conjunction with a workshop on terrorism with the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, New York, and June 19, 1986.
  • Conducted a simulation of an incident of international terrorism for the U.S. Commandant, Berlin, Commander, Berlin Brigade and the Berlin Crisis Management Team in conjunction with West German authorities, May 18-19, 1982.
  • A member of the crisis management team and conducted debriefing of simulated skyjacking involving units of the Tulsa Police Department and American Airlines at Tulsa International Airport, April 4, 1981.
  • Consultant for simulations conducted at U.S. Army Military Police School, Fort McClellan, Alabama, as part of the Counter terrorism Course, 1980.
  • Conducted a simulation in conjunction with a seminar on International Terrorism with units of the 51st Security Police Squadron, Osan Air Force Base, Korea, September 5, 1980.
  • Conducted a simulation in conjunction with a seminar on International Terrorism with units of the 51st Security Police Squadron, Osan Air Force Base, Korea, September 27, 1979.
  • Consultant for Midwest Global Simulation on International Terrorism, The University of Nebraska at Lincoln, April 6, 1979.
  • Conducted a simulation of an incident of international terrorism involving seizure of a facility at the Sun Oil Refinery with the Special Operations Team of the Tulsa Police Department, February 28, 1979.
  • Conducted a simulation in conjunction with a seminar on international terrorism held in conjunction with a seminar under the sponsorship of the Port of Portland Police Department at the Portland International Airport. Participants included the Multnomah County Division of Public Safety, the Gresham Police Department, the Troutdale Police Department as well as representatives from the City of Portland, Oregon Air National Guard, and other agencies, September 19, 1978.
  • Conducted a simulation of an incident of International Terrorism with the Minot, North Dakota, Police Department, a State of North Dakota Special Weapons and Tactics Team, and members of a seminar on International Terrorism which included personnel from the 91st Security Squadron at Minot Air Force Base, April 28,1978.
  • Conducted a simulation in conjunction with the Hostage Negotiators Course with units of the New Zealand Police, Police College,Trentham, New Zealand, and October 20, 1977.
  • Conducted a simulation in conjunction with the seminar on International Terrorism with units of the 51st Security Police Squadron, Osan Air Force Base, Korea, September 23, 1977.
  • Consulted on a simulation aerial hijacking at the Braniff Flight Attendants School in conjunction with the security and training staff, January 29, 1977.
  • Conducted a simulation of a hostage-taking incident in conjunction with a seminar on International Terrorism at Fort Gulick, Canal Zone, with units of the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces, January 6, 1977.
  • Conducted a simulation on International Terrorism with units of the Norman Police Department in conjunction with an International Terrorism Conference and Simulation, University of Oklahoma, Norman, IL, and November 11-12, 1976.
  • Conducted a simulation of a hostage-taking incident with the University of Oklahoma Police Department, Norman, OK, and September 22, 1976.

Conference Co-Organizer

  • “Global Terrorism: in 2009: Assessing the Changing Threat,” Office of Global Perspectives, University of Central Florida, October 6, 2009.
  • “A Global Assessment of Terrorism: Perspectives from Current and Future leaders on Policy, Doctrine and Operational Implications,” The Terrorism Studies Program,  Office of Global Perspectives , University of Central Florida, November 1-3, 2005


  • ASIS Presentation for Security Providers  Symposium, Miami, Florida, July 15,  2016.
  • ASIS Presentation for Security Provider  Services Symposium,  Miami, Florida, July 13,  2015
  •  Annual ASIS Academic/Practitioners Symposium. , Washington D.C., July 26-28. 2010.
  • Joint Special Operations University 2009 Research Topic Workshop. MacDill Air Foorce Base, December 8-10. 2009.
  • Participant and Seminar Leader, Counter Terrorism Educators’ Workshop, Sponsored by Counterterrorism Fellowship Program, Joint Special Operations University, Shades of Green, Orlando, Florida, September 28-October 1, 2004.
  • On local counter terrorism intelligence for The Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Orlando, Florida, October 9, 2003
  • Peace Keeping Operations Workshops , Command Post Exercises (CPX’s) and Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRE’s) at division headquarters, Joint Readiness Training Center (Fort Polk), Hoenfeld, Germany for regular army and national guard divisions and reserve forces for deployment to Bosnia.(10th Mountain Division, 49th Texas National Guard and others)  Subject matter expert (SME), force protection and terrorism. Role playing in MRE’s has included Political Advisor to the General (POLAD),head or staff member of various International Organizations (IO’s), and Non Governmental Organizations (NGO’s.) MRE’s involve over two weeks in the field at locations that emulate the Bosnian environment. Involvement in training is recurrent.
  • “The Threat of Terrorism,” for Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), Las Vegas, April 14, 1996.
  • Conducted workshop entitled “Intelligence/Extremism and Terrorism” for the 11th Investigative Academy, The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, Oklahoma City, April 9, 1996.
  • Conducted workshop entitled “Intelligence/Extremism and Terrorism” for the 10th Investigative Academy, The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, Oklahoma City, December 30, 1996.
  • Presentation on the Use of Simulations in Anti-Terrorism Planning and Evaluation for
  • “Managing the Consequences of Terrorism: A Workshop for Local Government Officials,” sponsored by the Oklahoma Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training and the Oklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management, Oklahoma City, October 25, 1996.
  • Speech on The History of Terrorism: Continuity and Change,” Workshop on Terrorism,” part of Contemporary Issues Program, Southwestern Law Enforcement Institute, University of Texas at Dallas, 28 February 1996.
  • Made presentation entitled “The Oklahoma City Bombing: From Academic Analyst to On-Site Reporter,” at “Risk Management: The Hospitality Industry Conference and Exposition,” Las Vegas, Nevada, October 18, 1995.
  • Made presentation entitled “Violence Prevention Strategies,” at workshop entitled “Responsible Citizen Development,” Putnam City Schools, Putnam City, Oklahoma, August 3, 1994.
  • Participant on workshop entitled “The Morality of Combating Terrorism: Prevention, Preemption and Punishment,” Terrorism Baseline 1994, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict,” Washington, D.C., September 29, 1993.
  • Presentation on alternative policies and measures of retaliation to threats and acts of terrorism at workshop entitled “Retaliation as a Policy, Operation El Dorado Canyon,” Terrorism Baseline 1994 Workshop, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, Washington, D.C., August 26, 1993.
  • Presentation on the “The Development of a Proactive Approach to Crisis Management: Command Post Exercises and the Crucial Role of the Intelligence Function, Workshop in Emergency Management, Oklahoma Civil Emergency Management Agency, Shangri-La Resort, Oklahoma, September 13, 1991.
  • Expert Witness, Low Intensity Conflict War Game, USMC Command and Staff College, Quantico, Virginia, April 29-30, 1991.
  • Conducted Workshop on Overseas Travel Security for Drilling Superintendents and other personnel at Mobil Exploration and Producing U.S., Inc., Houston, Texas, April 17-18, 24-25, 1991.
  • Conducted Terrorism Workshop for Council on Law Enforcement and Education Training, Oklahoma City, February 15, 1991.
  • Conducted Crisis Management Workshop for law enforcement officials and corporate security executives under the auspices of the Tulsa County Sheriff, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and February 5, 1991.
  • Conducted Crisis Management Seminar for Senior-Level Diplomats. Center for Education and Training, Indonesian Foreign Ministry, sponsored by the Asia Foundation Jakarta, February 25-March 1, 1991.
  • Conducted Crisis Management Seminar for Junior-Level Diplomats, Center for Education and Training, Indonesian Foreign Ministry, sponsored by the Asia Foundation, Jakarta, March 4-8, 1991.
  • Conducted Crisis Management Seminar for Mid-Level Diplomats, Center for Education and Training, Indonesian Foreign Ministry, sponsored by the Asia Foundation, Jakarta June 17-21, 1989.
  • Conducted Crisis Management Seminar for Senior-Level Diplomats, Center for Education and Training, Indonesian Foreign Ministry, sponsored by the Asia Foundation, Jakarta, and June 24-28, 1989.
  • Conducted workshop on developing terrorism preparedness on the state and local level through the use of simulations for The North Texas Crime Prevention Association, Carswell Air Force Base, Texas, May 8, 1987.
  • Conducted workshop on preventing and responding to threats and acts of terrorism for the 416th Security Police Squadron, Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, New York, and June 17-20, 1986.
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Victoria Subdivision, Victoria, B.C. Canada, March 29, 1986.
  • Workshop and presentation for Canadian Security Intelligence Service, British Columbia Region, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 24, 1986.
  • Conducted workshop on for personnel from the services involved in preventing or responding to threats or acts of terrorism, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, October 14-15, 1985.
  • Speaker and seminar leader for anti-terrorism seminar entitled “Information Research Workshop”, for the Detroit Police Department, November 20-21, 1985.
  • “Urban Terrorism: Planning or Chaos?” Detroit Metropolitan Police Academy, Community Service Division, November 13-14, 1984.
  • Conducted workshop on terrorism for personnel of the Canal Protection Division, Panama, and May 19-20, 1983.
  • Conducted seminar and workshop on terrorism for The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Jersey City, August 5-6, 1982.
  • Conducted workshop on terrorism under the auspices of the Provost Marshal for military and civilian law enforcement and security personnel, Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, August 2-3, 1982.
  • Conducted workshop on terrorism under the auspices of the Provost Marshal for military and civilian law enforcement and security personnel, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, July 14-15, 1982.
  • Conducted Workshop 3, “The Realities of Terrorism as an Instrument of Political Change,” for the Twenty-Second International Affairs Symposium, Foreign Area Officers Course, United States Army Institute for Military Assistance, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and June 2-3, 1982.
  • Critique of simulation for U.S. Command Berlin, May 21, 1982.
  • Conducted workshop on crisis management, personnel security, hostage survival, and related topics for U.S. Army, Berlin, and May 17-21, 1982.
  • Conduct workshop entitled “The Media and Terrorism,” for the U.S. Air Force Communication Short Course for Public Information Officers, on a regular basis for the Department of Communication, The University of Oklahoma
  • Conducted workshop for Board of Directors and Staff of The National Bank of McAlester, McAlester, OK. Morning session on hostage behavior, afternoon session on personal security and crisis management techniques, April 11, 1981.
  • Conducted workshop on Terrorist/hostage incident management for personnel of the Canal Protection Division and Canal Police, Panama, December 11 and 9, 1980.
  • Conducted workshop on Terrorism for Wuesthoff  Memorial Hospital, Rockledge, Florida, and June 4, 1980. Participants included hospital personnel and state/local law enforcement officials in surrounding jurisdictions.
  • Conducted sessions in a program entitled Terrorism and Kidnapping Seminar, presented by the Tulsa Police Department and the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, February 27 – March 3, 1979.
  • Conducted a seminar on Terrorism under the sponsorship of the Command Provost Marshal, Headquarters, 193rd Infantry Brigade, Fort Clayton (Canal Zone) for military and civilian personnel, July 29, 1977.
  • Conducted workshop on Terrorism/Airport Security Seminar, Guam International Trade Center, sponsored by the Guam Airport Authority, December 7, 1976.

Conference Director

  • Co-program director for University of Central Florida Counter-Terrorism Working Conference, October 10-11, 2007, Orlando, Florida.
  • Program Chair for “Annual Government/Industry Conference on Global Terrorism,” ASIS (The American Society for Industrial Security,” Arlington, Virginia, March 20-22, 2006.
  • Co-program director for conference entitled “A Global Assessment of Terrorism: Perspectives from Current and Future leaders on Policy, Doctrine and Operational Implications,” sponsored by Global Perspectives Office, The University of Central Florida, The Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, St. Andrews University and the Institute for Transitional Democracy and International Security, Budapest, Hungry. November 1-3, 2005, Orlando. Florida.
  • Co-program director for conference entitled “Terrorism and Beyond: The 21st Century, A Conference Addressing Terrorists, Threats, Motivations, Concerns, Policies, and Predictions for the 21st Century,” Sponsored by the Oklahoma City Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism and the Rand Corporation.  April 17-19, 1995, the Myriad Convention Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


  • Attended “Assessing the Future of Domestic and International Terrorism” The Stephen Sloan Seminar, Sponsored by the Oklahoma City University School of Law, Oklahoma University Center for Intelligence and national Security, March 28, 2019.
  • Attended workshop. “Advanced Situational Awareness, “ InfraGard, Pechanga,  Ca, October,18, 2018
  • Attended workshop “Law Enforcement and Private Security,” (LEAPS), September 12, 2018, Los Angeles, CA
  • Attended  “Symposium on Terrorism and Political Violence,” University of Central Florida, December 11-12, 2017
  • Attended symposium “Understanding Terrorism: A Thinking Man’s Game,” Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, April 18, 2011,
  •  Attend 2011 SOCCENT SYMPOSIUM, “Strengthening  Regional Partnerships in the 21st Century, Abu Dhabi-UAE, 11-14 April 2011.
  •  Attended 39th Annual Frank Church Symposium on International Affairs, “The Middle East: Today and Tomorrow, Idaho State University, March 3-5, 2010
  •  Attended Beyond the Horizon: Preparing for Future Threats To Global Security, College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University, Washington,. D.C. September 10-11, 2009.
  •  Attended National Conference of Editorial Writers Foreign Affairs Briefing at the Department of State, May 4, 2009.
  •  Delegate to conference entitled Destabilizing Factors and Transnational Threats, G8 2009, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, April 23-24,2009, Rome, Italy.
  • Attended United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Research Topics 210 Workshop,  December 9-11, McDill l Air Force Base, December 9-11.
  • Attended ASIS International Annual Academic/Practitioners Symposium, July 31-August 1, Washington University, St. Louis.
  • “Communication Strategies in the  Age of Terrorism,” a workshop sponsored by The Prague Security Studies Institute and New York University’s Prague Institute for Democracy, Economy and Culture (PIDEC), November 1-2, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Presentation entitled “The Many Faces of Terrorism,” and discussion, for the Advanced course of the Homeland Security and Defense Certificate program at the University of Texas at San Antonio, October 4, 2007.
  • Attended Educational Symposium on Security under the auspices of ASIS (The American Society for Industrial Security), August 1-3, The University of Maryland.
  • Attended Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) Inaugural Special Operations Forces Strategic Studies Symposium, Hurlburt Field, May 2-5, 2006.
  • International Terrorism and Intelligence 2005, In association with Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence a t the University of St. Andrews, Royal College of Defense Studies,   June 17, 2005.
  • Attended Marine Corps’ Educators Workshop, Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, and Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, August 11-15, 1997.
  • Attended conference “Global Terrorism: After Iraq How Will Global Terrorism Be Defeated?, Strategic Dialogue Center, Netanya College, New York City, April 6, 2003.
  • Attended Educational Symposium sponsored by The American Society for Industrial Security on developing scope course on security for upper division undergraduates in schools of business. Member of breakout session dealing with corporate (competitive) intelligence, at Webster University, St, Louis, June 6-8. 1997.
  • Attended conference entitled “Maintaining Friendly Foreign Government in the Face of Ethnic or Religious Rebellion: Strategic Implications for the U.S. Military, sponsored by The United States Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) and Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, May 30-31, 1997.
  • “Terrorism and Violence” a panel discussion for Human Behavior I, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, March 3, 1997.
  • Attended workshop entitled “Terrorism, Hezbolla, Hamas and the Iranian Connection,” under the auspices of the Army War College’s Strategic Study Institute (SSI) mad the Air Force Academy’s Institute for Security Studies (INSS), at The Center for
  • International Strategy, Technology and Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, November 4, 1994.
  • Attended National Faculty Seminar on Teaching International Security, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy’s International Security Studies Program and The National Strategy Information Center, Bowdoin College, Maine, July 24-31. 1993.
  • Attended Seminar for Teachers of Intelligence, Consortium for the Study of Intelligence, Bowdoin College, Maine, August 8-15, 1992.
  • Member of discussion group, Low Intensity Conflict Mini-Conference, Washington, D.C., August 30-31, 1991.
  • Participated in conference entitled International Terrorism – Problems of Response, sponsored by The Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, March 7-8, 1989.
  • Participated in conference entitled Toward a European Response to Terrorism: National Experiences and Lessons for the Europe 1992, sponsored by The Association des ETATS GENERAUX des ETUDIANTS de I’ Europe (AEGEE) in cooperation with Center for the Study of Social Conflicts (COMT), Leiden University, The Netherlands, March 16-17, 1989.
  • Participant in Civic Leader Tour, Federal Aviation Administration, Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center, Oklahoma City, November 22, 1988.
  • Attended conference entitled State Organized Terror: The Case of Violent Internal Repression, An International Conference, The Kellogg Center, Michigan State University, November 2 – 5, 1988.
  • Attended conference entitled The Media and Modern Warfare at the Centre for Conflict Studies, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, and September 29 – October 1, 1988.
  • Made presentation entitled “Testing the Plans and Exercising the Personnel: at Seminar on Countering Terrorism, sponsored by the Washington Chapter Terrorist Activities Subcommittee of the American Society for Industrial Security, Washington, D.C., June 8, 1988.
  • Presentation “Training Your Organization Personnel: Benefits/Costs /Systems” at Seminar on Countering Terrorism, sponsored by The Washington Chapter Terrorist Activities Subcommittee of the American Society for Industrial Security, Washington, DC, June 10, 1987.
  • Made presentation on “Employing Simulation Technique to Train Forces to Respond to Terrorist Incidents” for the Annual Meeting of the North Texas Crime Prevention Association, Carswell Air Force Base, Texas, and May 8, 1987.
  • Attended Unconventional Warfare Course, USAF Special Operations School, Hurlburt Field, Florida, April 20-24, 1987.
  • Attended Threats and Opportunities Facing the United States in the 1990’s, sponsored by The Consortium for the Study of Intelligence, Washington, DC, April 2-4, 1987.
  • Attended conference entitled Intelligence Support for Low Intensity Conflict, presented by The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, sponsored by The Defense Intelligence Agency, Naval Weapons Center, White Oak, Maryland, and October 7-8, 1986.
  • Member of the Joint Low Intensity Study Group, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 1985-86.
  • Attended Joint Psychological Operations Course, USAF Special Operations School, Hurlburt Field, Florida, and December 16-20, 1985.
  • Member of Low Intensity Study Group, attended group meeting, Washington, D.C. November 22, 1985.
  • Attended conference on Low Intensity Conflict and Special Operations, National Defense University, Fort McNair, June 16-17, 1985.
  • Attended Conference entitled Terrorism and Other Low Intensity Operations, International Security Studies Program, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Boston, April 17-19, 1985.
  • Attended Joint Special Operations Planning Workshop, USAF Special Operations School, Hurlburt Field, Florida, February 25-March 1, 1985.
  • Speaker at The Planning Seminar entitled Urban Terrorism: Planning or Chaos? Detroit Police Department, November 13-14, 1984.
  • Attended Conference on US Intelligence: The Organization and the Profession Central Intelligence Agency, Langley, Virginia, June 11-13, 1984.
  • Attended Colloquium on Domestic Intelligence, Sponsored by the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence, Washington, DC, October 29-30, 1982.
  • Attended Summer Seminar on the Teaching of Intelligence for Faculty Members, sponsored by the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence, Bowdoin College, Maine, and July 16-24, 1982.
  • Attended workshop entitled “The Realities of Terrorism as an Instrument of Political Change, 22nd International Affairs Symposium, Foreign Area Officers Course 1-82, School of International Studies, United States Army Institute for Military Assistance, Fort Bragg, NC, June 1-3, 1982
  • Attended Terrorism and Beyond: An International Conference on Terrorism and Low Level Conflict, sponsored by the United States Departments of State, Justice, and Energy, and the Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, September 8-12, 1980. while attending sessions in capacity of course evaluator and lecturer, Spring/Summer, 1980.
  • Attended Counter terrorism Course, U.S. Army Military Police School, Fort McClellan, AL, while attending sessions in capacity of course evaluator and lecturer, Spring/Summer 1980.
  • Attended Hostage Negotiation Course conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Oklahoma City, OK, and June 13-15, 1977.

Presentations and Lectures

  • Keynote Presentation, “The Evolution of Understanding Terrorism: Where We Were and Where We Are Going,”  Symposium on Terrorism and Political Violence, The University of central Florida, December 11-12, 2017.
  • Presentation on terrorism: the strategic and operational environment, Transportation Security: Air and Rail, ASIS Expo, New  York City, 28 April. 2016
  • Tactical Medical Response: SWAT and Terrorism Considerations, “ with Rbert J. Bunker, Trauma Center. St. Johns Medical Center, Tulsa, April 8, 2016.
  • “Continuity and Change – The Evolving Threat of Terrorism, Symposium: Emerging Threats in the Security World,  ASIS  International, Houston, Texas, May 16, 2012
  •  “The Impact of Terrorism on Intelligence Sharing,” 2012 Texas Major Chiefs Leadership  Series,  Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Institute of Texas, March 28 and May 2, 2012.  San Antonio, Texas.
  •  “Globalization: The Leadership Challenge,” at symposium, “Understanding Terrorism: A Thinking Man’s Game,” Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT)  “ Oklahoma City, April 18, 2011.
  • “Major Trends in Terrorism and Policy and Strategic Challenges,” Class on Threat Environments and Homeland Security and Defense class, Security Studies Certificate, Department of Political Science, University of Texas at San Antonio, October 8, 2009.
  • “Strategic and Operational  Factors Related to Counter-Terrorism intelligence, Area Maritime Security Committee Sector Delaware Bay, US Coast Guard,  Subcommittee on Intelligence, Philadelphia, June 16, 2009.
  •   “Future Trends in Terrorism, The Obama Administration’s Response and the Role of the Media,” with John Bersia, The College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University, Washington D.C., May 6, 2009.
  •   “Traditional Versus Global Insurgency”, International Institute for Strategic Studies, July 13, 2009.
  •  ‘Terrorism: History, Trends and Evolution,” Joint Special Operations Combating Terrorism Course, 09A, Special Operations University, Hurlburt Field, January 26, 2009.
  • Keynote Speech, Summer Workshop on Teaching About Terrorism (SWOTT), University of Oklahoma, June 10, 2008
  • “Terrorism: History and Trends and Evolution,” Joint Special Operations Combating Terrorism, Course 08B,
  •   Special Operations University, Hurlburt Field,  May 7, 2008.
  •   Presentation at program entitled “Security in the Market Place: The Terrorist Threat,” Halifax Area Trade Council, October 12, 2007, Daytona Beach, Florida.
  •  “The War on Terror,” presentation at conference entitled, “U.S. Security Strategy in Transition: Where Are We Headed?” The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and the University of South Carolina – Beaufort, Bluffton, South Carolina, March 31, 2007.
  •  Panelist at conference entitled “Democracies Fighting Terror, Israel Democracy Institute, Boca Raton, February 5, 2007.
  •  Panelist on panel entitled “Security/Terrorism, at The Future of Europe: The Ties that Bind and Divide,
  • A conference sponsored by The University of Central Florida, The National Conference of Editorial Writers, The Global Connections Foundation and The Orlando Sentinel, November 13, 2006.
  •   Keynote address “On Educating Terrorism Specialist, Evolution, Present and Future Challenges,” for Program “Teaching Research and Analyzing Terrorism,” Oklahoma Memorial Institute on Preventing Terrorism, October 5, 2006.
  •  “Organizing to Combat Future Terrorist Threats: Policy and Operational Implications,” on panel entitled Criminal Versus Terrorists From Law Enforcement Perspective, Understanding and Responding to Terrorism: A Multi-Dimensional  Approach, a Conference Sponsored by NATO and the Turkish Institute for Police Studies, 8 September, 2006.
  • Conducted one of the seminars (on insurgency) for Special Operations Combating Terrorism Course, Special Operations University, Hurlburt Field, 21 August, 2006.
  • Keynote speech on Counterterrorism Education at the 10th Annual ASIS (American Society for Industrial Security) Annual Academic/Practitioners Symposium, The University of Wisconsin, 3 August, 2006.
  •  “Case Study: Globalization and Terrorism,” Bahcesheir University Strategic Studies Center, Terrorism School 2: Meeting the Threat, Istanbul, Turkey, 8 April, 2006.
  •   Keynote Address, “ Redefining Uncertainty in the International Environment,” NATO Advanced Research Workshop, “Remaking National Security,” Part of a NATO Science  Programme, Cooperative Science & Technology Sub-Programme supported by the British and American Embassies, sponsored by the Institute for Transitional Democracy and International Security (ITDIS) with the Slovene Enterprise Institute (SEI), Budapest, Hungary, March 30-April 2, 2006.
  • “Future Tactics of Terrorists Groups,” Centre of Excellence Defense Against Terrorism (CoE-DAT), Ankara, Turkey, May 12, 2005
  • “On Terrorism and the Threat to the U.S, The University Club of Orlando, March 15, 2005.
  • “Force Protection, Intelligence and Changing Terrorist Threats,” 26th ASG, Command Staff, Heidelberg, Germany, November 4, 2004.
  •  Lecture of discussion on terrorism for “Anti-Terrorism and International Crime issues, International Visitor Program, The Department of State, University of Oklahoma, February 6, 2004.
  • “The Nature of Terrorism in an Academic Setting,” for the Annual Meeting of the Council of College and Military Educators (CMME), Santa Barbara, CA, February 3, 2004.
  • Presentation on “Terrorism, Critical Infrastructure and the Petroleum Industry” to Senior Safety Officials of the China Petroleum Industry, China National Safety Executive Training, The University of Oklahoma, December 12, 2003
  • Lectures under the auspices of The Global Perspective Distinguished Visitors Series, at the University of Central Florida October 8-10, 2003.  Orlando Area Committee on Foreign Relations, Orange Country Sheriff’s Office, classes at The University of Central Florida and Rollins College.
  •  “Terrorism: Strategies and Methods,” for Senior Executive Seminar, The George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, May 7-8, 2003.
  • “Redefining United States National Security Since 9/11: Changing Requirements in the Domestic and International Areas,” for Leaders of 21st Century Class 03, The George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch-Parternkirchen, Germany, April 3, 2003. Presentations to seminars, April, 3-4.
  • “Understanding Terrorism,” for Terrorism: An Oklahoma Response, Center for Freedom Studies, Oklahoma Christian University, March 31, 2003.
  • Lecture on Terrorism and Homeland Security for The Joint Warfare Analysis Center (JWAC), Dahlgren, Virginia, February 21, 2003.
  • Lecture on “The Role of the U.S. Military in the Post-Cold War Conflict Environment,” Olin Visiting Lecture Series, The United States Naval Academy, March 15, 1996.
  • Lectures on the Changing Nature of Conflict, Low Intensity Conflict, Terrorism and the Challenges to United States Foreign Policy, Department of International Relations, University Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France, January 4-17, 1995.
  • “On Low intensity Conflict and Counterinsurgency,” to first and second year cadet classes, United States Air Force Academy, October 5, 1992.
  • “The Current Threat of Terrorism: The Challenge to United States Security,”University of Oklahoma College of Law Association, 86th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Bar Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma, November 14, 1990.
  • On Low Intensity Conflict, for the students of the United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College, Quantico, Virginia, September 12, 1990.
  • On “Countering Terrorism: A New Form of Conflict,” sponsored by The Office of Academic Affairs and the International Studies Program, Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN, March 19, 1987.
  • On “Insurgency Doctrine and Policies” for The Air Command and Staff College, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, December 11, 1986.
  • On “Simulations and Terrorism Counteraction Training” for the Terrorism in Low Intensity Conflict (TLIC) course, U.S. Army, John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center, Fort Bragg, NC, January 25, 1984.
  • “Simulations and Terrorism Counteraction Training” for The Foreign Area Officers Course (FAOC 1-84), School of International Studies, U.S. Army Institute for Military Assistance, John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center, Fort Bragg, NC, January 25, 1984.
  • On terrorism and simulation technique for public presentation and seminars under the auspices of the Department of Political Science, Utah State University, Logan, UT, April 25-26, 1983.
  • Discussion of terrorist threats and crisis management techniques particularly in regard to the 1986 Asian Games and the 1988 Olympics in Seoul for personnel and staff of the National Security Planning Agency (NSP), Korean National Police (KNP), and the Special Warfare Command, Seoul, Korea, March 18, 1983.
  • “International Terrorism: Current Challenges and Future Trends,” for the Oklahoma Association of Community and Junior Colleges, Seminole Junior College, Seminole, OK, February 4, 1983.
  • On “Crisis Management and International Threat Assessment” for the Counter terrorism Course of the U.S. Army Military Police School, Fort McClellan, AL, Pilot class in May and first and second official classes, June and July, 1980.
  • On “Air Hijacking: Problems and Countermeasures” for the National War College Elective Course, “New Forms of Violence,” The National War College, Washington, DC, March 25, 1977.
  • On “Political Violence” for the Department of Political Science, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India, 1973.
  • On “Political Violence” for the Peace Research Centre, Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad, India, 1973.
  • On “Developmental Administration” for a seminar at the Centre of Economic and Development Administration, Katmandu, Nepal, 1973.


  • On panel entitled “National Security and the War on Terrorism,” The Lou Frey Institute Symposium 2008, The University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, March 31, 2008.
  • On panel entitled “Conflict in the Middle East: Iraq and Beyond,” Sponsored by The Global Perspectives Office, The University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, March 20, 2008
  •  Moderator panel entitled “Technology and Security of America’s Ports,” Florida International Summit,
  • Globalization and Technology: Expanding Opportunities in A Shrinking World, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, February 16, 2006.
  • Moderator panel entitled “The Evolving Terrorists Threat,” A public forum of the University of Central Florida, Global Perspectives Office, The Centre for Terrorism and Political Violence, St. Andrews University, The Institute for Transitional Democracy and Security, The University of Central Florida, November 3, 2005.
  • Moderator panel entitled “The Evolving Terrorist Threat,” National Global Issues Forum 2005: Political Violence in the 21st Century, Sponsored by the University of Central Florida, National Conference of Editorial Writers, the Global Connections Foundation and the Orlando Sentinel, Orlando, FL, October 17, 2005.
  • Panel discussion on terrorism, Centre of Excellence Defense Against Terrorism (CoE-DAT), May 12, 2005, Ankara, Turkey
  • On two panels, “War on Terrorism: The Role of the United States, “ and “The Patriot Act: Can We Be Secure and Free?” Summers Scholars Public Policy Seminar, National Center for Policy Analysis, Dallas, Texas, November 14, 2004.
  • On panel dealing with Homeland Security for the Annual Conference of the Council on College and Military Educators (CCME), February 3, 2004, Santa Barbara, CA.
  • On panel entitled “From Munich to 9/11,” For a conference Through the Looking Glass Darkly: The Changing American Perspective, McMahon 2003 Symposium, Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Oklahoma, February 24, 2003.
  • On panel entitled “Bio-Ethics and Terrorism,” American Chemical Society Club, University of Oklahoma, November 19, 2002.
  • Participant on One-Day Seminar entitled “American Intelligence After the Cold War,” with former Director of CIA, R. James Woolsey, Steve Early, author of Family of Spies and Confessions of a Spy: The Real Story of Aldrich Ames, Professor Kate Ewing, Phillips University, Enid Oklahoma , September 13, 1997.
  • Discussant on panel on intelligence with Robert Gates, former Director, CIA “An Evaluation of Intelligence During the Cold War,” and George J. Tenet, Director CIA,”A Strategic Look at Intelligence for the Future,” Preparing America’s Foreign Policy for the 21st Century, The University of Oklahoma International Programs Center, September 12, 1997.
  • On panel entitled “Combating Terrorism versus Invasion of Freedom,” Security In the Crossfire, moderated by Robert D. Novak and Bill Press, Co-host CNN’s Crossfire, American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) 43rd Annual Seminars and Exhibit, St. Louis, September 11, 1997.
  • On panel entitled “International Terrorism: Current Challenges and Future Trends,” Third Asia Pacific Aviation Security Conference,” SATS Security, Singapore, April 10, 1996.
  • Made presentation on strategic assessment of domestic terrorist threats on panel entitled “Addressing g the Threat of Domestic Terrorism,” part of program entitled “National Security Law in a Changing World: The Fifth annual Review of the Field,” co-sponsored by the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Law and National Security and the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security, Duke University School of Law, Washington, D.C., October 20, 1995.
  • Moderator of panel entitled “The Future of U.S, Intelligence,” Speaker, George Tenet, Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency, One of the Inaugural Symposia for Inauguration of President David Boren, The University of Oklahoma, September 15, 1995.
  • Chair panel entitled “The Future Face of Terrorism,” American Society for Industrial Security, 41st Annual Seminar, New Orleans, September 13, 1995.
  • Chair panel entitled “Organizational Ramifications,” at the Third Annual Conference New Avenues in Risk and Crisis Management, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, August 19, 1994.
  • Chair panel entitled “Military Operations Other Than War,” at the Joint Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association/South and the International Security Studies Section of the ISA, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, October 17, 1993.
  • Made presentation entitled “Lessons Learned and Implications for Policy,” on Panel entitled “Low Intensity Conflict: Threat. Lessons Learned, and Implication,” Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Washington, D.C., April 12, 1990.
  • Chair Session 6 at Conference entitled “The Media and Modern Warfare,” Centre for Conflict Studies, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., October 1, 1988.
  • Attended annual meeting of Southwest Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, and October 27-29, 1988.
  • Participant on “Roundtable on the Teaching of Intelligence,” International Studies Association, 27th Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA, March 27, 1986.
  • Participant on panel and seminar leader on program entitled “Low Intensity Conflict,” United States Marine Corps, Command and Staff College, Marine Corps Development and Education Center, Quantico, Virginia, January 10, 1986.
  • Participated on panel entitled “Humanities Responses to Terrorism,” at the Southern Humanities Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, and February 1, 1985.
  • Participated on panel entitled “Terrorism and the Military Profession,” for the United States Naval Institute, held at National Defense University, Washington, DC, August 27, 1985.
  • Terrorism (roundtable), at the annual meeting of the Oklahoma Political Science Association, Central State University, Edmond, OK, November 10, 1983.
  • Participated on panel entitled Terrorism in Europe and the NATO Countries, the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Industrial Security, Atlanta, Georgia, and September 15, 1980
  •  Co-chairman and organizer with Richard Shultz, Jr, of a panel entitled “Meeting the Threat of Terrorism: Operational Techniques   and Questions of  Policy,” International Studies Association, Los Angeles, March 21, 1980
  • Co-director and Organizer with Michael T. McEwen of a conference entitled “Terrorism Preparedness on the State and Local Level” under the auspices of the Adjutant General and the Commissioner of Public Safety at National Guard Headquarters, Oklahoma City, OK, May 13, 1980.
  • Co-chairman and organizer with Richard Shultz, Jr. of a panel entitled Responding to Terrorism: Prevention and Control, International Studies Association, Toronto, March 21, 1979.
  • Co-director with Michael T. McEwen of a conference entitled Terrorism: Police and Press Problems, under the auspices of the Oklahoma Publishing Company, April 1977.
  • Director and Organizer of a conference entitled International Terrorism Conference and Simulation, at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, November 11-12, 1976.


  • Conducted course for undergraduates on International Terrorism, University of Oklahoma April 1-17, 2016
  • Seminar on International Terrorism, International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Sinagpore, September-October 2014
  • Developed and conducted course on crisis management under auspices of Asia Foundation, for senior-level diplomats, Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Center for Education and Training, Jakarta, February 25-March 1, 1991.
  • Developed and conducted course on crisis management under auspices of Asia Foundation for junior-level diplomats, Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Center for Education and Training, Jakarta, March 4-8, 1991.
  • Developed and conducted course on crisis management under auspices of the Asia Foundation for mid-level diplomats, Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Center for Education and Training, Jakarta, July 17-21, 1989.
  • Developed and conducted course on crisis management under auspices of Asia Foundation for senior-level diplomats, Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Center for Education and Training, Jakarta, July 25-29, 1989.
  • Developed and conducted pilot iterations of Counter terrorism Perspective Course for Mid- Level Intelligence Managers under the auspices of the Defense Intelligence College, Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D.C., September 28-October 2,1987,
  • January 11-14, May 10-13, 1988. The course is now a regular part of the curriculum at the Defense Intelligence College.
  • Developed and conducted pilot iterations of Counter terrorism Perspective Course for Senior-Level Intelligence Managers under the auspices of the Defense Intelligence College, Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D.C., February 8-10, April 13-15, 1988. The course is now a regular part of the curriculum at the Defense Intelligence College.
  • Taught elective on International Terrorism for students of the Air War College, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.
  • Course consultant in developing and evaluating the Counter terrorism Course of the U.S. Army Military Police School, Fort McClellan, AL, 1980.
  • Courses taught for the Public Administration Program and International Studies Program University of Oklahoma, conducted on campus in Norman and at other domestic and foreign sites. These include Problems in Security Administration: International Terrorism, Problems in Security Administration: The Intelligence Community-Process, Issues and Policies, and The Politics of Transitional Areas, The Transformation of Warfare
  • Courses taught for the Department of Political Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, include, on the graduate level, Seminar on International Terrorism, Seminar on the Intelligence Community: Process, Issues and Policies, and on the undergraduate level, Low Intensity Conflict, The Politics of Transitional Areas and Conflict, Violence and Warfare. Courses taught on both the graduate and undergraduate levels have included seminars and classes on The Study of Terrorism, Comparative Political Violence, Southeast Asian Politics, African Politics, U.S. Foreign Policy, and International Politics.
  • Conducted regular sessions on crisis management techniques related to responding to the media for students in the United States Air Force Communications Short Course, Communications Department and the University of Oklahoma. The students were  public affairs personnel from the respective services.


  • Collection of books, audio, video, periodicals and – files to follow, The Stephen Sloan Collection, Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 2008.
  • Now at National Security Law Center, Oklahoma City University, School of Law.


  • Executive Producer and narrator for “Everybody Freeze,” special for “Armed Forces Network Journal, Armed Forces Network (TV) Europe, Wayne A. Pollack, Producer
  • Executive Producer of a one-half hour videotape of the Tulsa simulation entitled “Exercise in Terror,” which was shown on KTEW-TV, Tulsa, OK. The unedited tape is currently being employed in a training program for the Tulsa Police Department.
  • Executive Producer of a ten-minute cassette giving the highlights of a simulation of a terrorist incident with hostage taking at Max Westheimer Air Field, Norman, OK. An hour videocassettes giving a detailed presentation of the same incident was also produced. Both of these programs were produced and directed by Mr. Michael T. McEwen, Special Projects Director for OETA, Oklahoma City, OK.
  • Security Consultant to a coordinated audio-visual slides and sound presentation of a simulated skyjacking, which was incorporated into the training program of Braniff International Airlines. Latest revised program is entitled Terror at 30,000 Feet (1978) and former program was entitled Terrorism in Flight (1977). This program was used for recurrent training of all in-flight personnel at Braniff Flight Attendants School.
  • Educational Consultant and interviews for videotape four part series entitled Terrorism in Our World. The program consist of “The History of Terrorism,” “Preventing Terrorism,” “Terrorism in the US” and “Understanding Terrorism.”  It is directed at high school juniors and seniors and college undergraduates by Schlessinger Media and produced by CBS. Distributed, 2003. “The History of Terrorism” segment awarded Silver Telly Award given to commercials and non-broadcast film and video productions.
  • On going interviews with national and international television and radio networks and local affiliates on terrorism, homeland security, intelligence and related topics including CNN and Fox News.
  • Extensive interviews on local, national, and international radio and television following the events of 11 September 2001.  Interviews included National Public Broadcasting (NPR), MSNBC, Voice of America (VOA), and others. Includes On the Media and documentary, The World’s Most Wanted, (MSNBC)
  • Program on Teaching About Terrorism panel with Commissioners of Education, Oklahoma and Indiana, Close Up Foundation, (CSPAN).
  • Continuous on-site and anchor-analyst for WKYTV (Channel 9) CBS Affiliate on Oklahoma City Bombing, April 19-22, 1995.
  • Interviews on the Oklahoma City Bombing by CNN, CBS Good Morning, Voice of America, Good Morning Canada, Good Morning Britain, international networks including Spanish, Argentinean, Dutch, Japanese and others appearances on Cable News Network (CNN), The Wicker Show (British Broadcasting Company), Armed Forces Network (Europe and Far East) and national and local television and radio stations


  • The International Institute for Strategic Studies
  • ASIS (American Society for Industrial Security) Special Advisor: Standing Council on Global Terrorism, Political Instability, and International Crime)
  • ASIS Research  Council
  • Homeland Security, Industry Advisory Board , Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • RDSTF 5 –Disaster Response Team (Orange County, Florida Sheriff’s Office)
  • Area Maritime Security Committee, Sector Delaware Bay, U.S. Coast Guard (Intelligence Subcommittee)
  • Security Studies Industry Advisory Board, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical  University
  • Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) Level-1, Southeast Florida Fusion Center

Professor Stephen Sloan

This website presented to Dr. Stephen Sloan with love on the occasion of his 85th Birthday by Chris, Carla, Caleb, and Calder Sloan